The Great Satan's Secretary of Defense was in Kabul recently, and now freely admits that they are no closer to capturing me than they were last year. "It will happen when it happens," he said. In other words, he's about ready to give up and send his boys home.
But the best part is when he said the Taliban is NOT making a resurgence. HA!! Yeah, right, Donnie. And there's no insurgency in Iraq, either.
Thursday, February 26, 2004
It's starting to look more and more like Iraq is slipping into civil war. The Kurds hate the Sunnis who hate the Shiites who hate the Kurds who hate the Sunnis, and everyone hates Celine Dionne!
To paraphrase The Lion King: Ah, the circle of death!!
And at the root of it all is yours truly, who probably would have been caught by now if a certain infidel President hadn't gone off half-cocked in a madcap pursuit of WMD's! And you have to wonder why he didn't have the good sense to plant some Anthrax or botulism around the country. Then Daniel Kay could have found something! After all, if the LAPD was able to plant that bloody glove at O.J.'s house, why couldn't the CIA do the same? But Allah works in mysterious ways, so I'll just savor the joy of it all.
Our constant use of car bombs against the Iraqi people is also paying off. Police officers are afraid to go to work, and this in turn is leading to a total breakdown of law and order throughout Iraq. Anarchy is a wonderful thing, for it gives us an opening to step in and rstore order after the Americans leave. By then people will grateful to have some rule of law once again imposed upon them, even if it is brutally harsh Islamic law.
True, in the meantime a lot of innocent people will die. But it's for a good cause, so I what do I care?
It's like the old saying: All's fair in love and jihad!

To paraphrase The Lion King: Ah, the circle of death!!
And at the root of it all is yours truly, who probably would have been caught by now if a certain infidel President hadn't gone off half-cocked in a madcap pursuit of WMD's! And you have to wonder why he didn't have the good sense to plant some Anthrax or botulism around the country. Then Daniel Kay could have found something! After all, if the LAPD was able to plant that bloody glove at O.J.'s house, why couldn't the CIA do the same? But Allah works in mysterious ways, so I'll just savor the joy of it all.
Our constant use of car bombs against the Iraqi people is also paying off. Police officers are afraid to go to work, and this in turn is leading to a total breakdown of law and order throughout Iraq. Anarchy is a wonderful thing, for it gives us an opening to step in and rstore order after the Americans leave. By then people will grateful to have some rule of law once again imposed upon them, even if it is brutally harsh Islamic law.
True, in the meantime a lot of innocent people will die. But it's for a good cause, so I what do I care?
It's like the old saying: All's fair in love and jihad!
There are a lot of terrorist organizations in the world, and we're all in competition with one another. It's that constant sense of urgency to outdo the other guy that keeps us sharp.
Now comes word that there's some new terror group trying to break into the business. They call themselves the National Education Association. Can't say I've ever heard of them before, and apparently they are yet to stage any attacks. Still, I shall keep my eye on them.
I've also alerted Al Qaeda's Mergers and Acquisitions Department for a possible buyout offer.
Now comes word that there's some new terror group trying to break into the business. They call themselves the National Education Association. Can't say I've ever heard of them before, and apparently they are yet to stage any attacks. Still, I shall keep my eye on them.
I've also alerted Al Qaeda's Mergers and Acquisitions Department for a possible buyout offer.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Apparently there are some vicious--and TOTALLY unsubstantiated, I might add--rumors that the evil ones are closing in on me.
Total, absolute poppycock!!
They are no where near me. For one thing, I'm over here in Pakistan where I'm perfectly safe. There's no way Musharaff will allow infidel soldiers onto his soil. He knows better.
Unless, of course, he's still pissed about those assassination attempts a few weeks ago.
And let me also assure my dear readers that I'm not hiding in any ol' stupid spiderhole. That was just pure cowardice on Saddam's part. I have way too much dignity for that sort of thing. After all, I have an image to uphold!
That's why I'm hiding in a cave.
Total, absolute poppycock!!
They are no where near me. For one thing, I'm over here in Pakistan where I'm perfectly safe. There's no way Musharaff will allow infidel soldiers onto his soil. He knows better.
Unless, of course, he's still pissed about those assassination attempts a few weeks ago.
And let me also assure my dear readers that I'm not hiding in any ol' stupid spiderhole. That was just pure cowardice on Saddam's part. I have way too much dignity for that sort of thing. After all, I have an image to uphold!
That's why I'm hiding in a cave.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Some cocky army officer has said he is "sure" I will be captured this year. He points to the example of Saddam as an example.
Yeah, right.
As I've said before, Saddam was an unholy wuss. I, on the other hand, have Allah on my side. Besides, I've been practicing hiding a lot longer than Hussein ever did. I have turned it into an art form. Perhaps you can catch one of my exhibitions some time. It's more of a performance art, than anything.
Also, I have heard that the infidels are planning a spring offensive against me and my followers. Well, as Bush once said, "Bring it on!!"
I am perfectly safe as long as I remain here in Pakistan...., er, assuming that's where I am, of course. The US forces can't get to me here since Musharaff will never allow them to cross the border.
Yeah, right.
As I've said before, Saddam was an unholy wuss. I, on the other hand, have Allah on my side. Besides, I've been practicing hiding a lot longer than Hussein ever did. I have turned it into an art form. Perhaps you can catch one of my exhibitions some time. It's more of a performance art, than anything.
Also, I have heard that the infidels are planning a spring offensive against me and my followers. Well, as Bush once said, "Bring it on!!"
I am perfectly safe as long as I remain here in Pakistan...., er, assuming that's where I am, of course. The US forces can't get to me here since Musharaff will never allow them to cross the border.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
I am somewhat confused by Musharaff's decision to share nuclear technology with certain other countries. Libya and Iran I understand. After all, they are Muslim. But North Korea?!?!? Why them and not us? North Korea is populated by godless athiests! That makes them even worse than your standard, run-of-the-mill infidels. After all, it's one thing to believe in the WRONG god; it's quite another to believe in NO god whatsoever.
That's what really gets me: That he didn't help Al Qaeda build a bomb! I mean, we're certainly devout, faithful, religious people who are deserving of technology which can kill infidels by the tens of thousands!
I can only conclude that the reason Musharaff didn't share that information with us is that he's pissed about our ongoing efforts to kill him.
Some people can be so petty....
That's what really gets me: That he didn't help Al Qaeda build a bomb! I mean, we're certainly devout, faithful, religious people who are deserving of technology which can kill infidels by the tens of thousands!
I can only conclude that the reason Musharaff didn't share that information with us is that he's pissed about our ongoing efforts to kill him.
Some people can be so petty....
Friday, February 13, 2004
Wonderful news!! I have obtained the source code for Microsoft's Windows operating systems!!!
Now if I can just figure out what the hell to do with it....
Now if I can just figure out what the hell to do with it....
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Well, it's official: The original Star Wars trilogy is coming out on DVD. And to his credit, Lucas is only releasing the "special edition" versions. That means I won't have to keep venturing out of my hiding place to buy each different version as they're released.
I'm so happy, I think I'll go blow something up.
I'm so happy, I think I'll go blow something up.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
Would it be overly bold of me to take credit for Bush's invasion of Iraq? Hmmm..... No, of course not.
If it hadn't been for 9-11, Bush never would have had the cajones to go after Saddam. But given the incentive I provided, he looked desperately for a reason and finally found one: Those dastardly weapons of mass destruction.

And what as the final outcome? No WMD's, United States foreign policy is in tatters, and Bush's credibility is non-existent. So yeah, I feel pretty good about how things turned out.
If it hadn't been for 9-11, Bush never would have had the cajones to go after Saddam. But given the incentive I provided, he looked desperately for a reason and finally found one: Those dastardly weapons of mass destruction.
And what as the final outcome? No WMD's, United States foreign policy is in tatters, and Bush's credibility is non-existent. So yeah, I feel pretty good about how things turned out.
Saturday, February 07, 2004
One of my faithful readers, who would make a great terrorist if only he weren't such a blithering coward, has informed me of a rumor that the original Star Wars trilogy will soon be coming out on DVD.
This is indeed wonderful news! Granted, these are the "Special Edition" versions, but that's fine. What really gets my knickers in a knot is when they release a set of movies, then six months later release the same set as "directors cuts," and then a year later come out with the "digitally remastered special edition" version. And just when you think they're done, they come out with another sequel in the theaters, rendering your previous 3 box sets of Terminator and T2 worthless, because now you'll have to get T3: Rise of the Damned Money Sucking DVD Box Sets!!!!
What a load of crap!! Why don't they just wait till the stars get elected Governor and stop making movies? THEN they can release a single box set and be done with it! Oh, but how naive of me! By only releasing a set of movies once, they would make less money off us suckers, wouldn't they?
And people wonder why I am so bitter....
I suppose it's true that at some future date Lucas will release will release a box set of all six movies, but let's face it: No one except the really hard core geeks will buy them. You and I both know that this last installment is likely to be as big a piece of crap as Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Normal people like you and I won't want to waste our money on them.
Besides, I can already tell you how the next one will end: Luke & Leia will be born, then separated; The Republic will suffer a series of horrible military setbacks; And Anikin Skywalker will suffer some sort of hideous injury that necessitates wearing elaborate headgear that makes him sound like the spokesperson for Verizon.
This is indeed wonderful news! Granted, these are the "Special Edition" versions, but that's fine. What really gets my knickers in a knot is when they release a set of movies, then six months later release the same set as "directors cuts," and then a year later come out with the "digitally remastered special edition" version. And just when you think they're done, they come out with another sequel in the theaters, rendering your previous 3 box sets of Terminator and T2 worthless, because now you'll have to get T3: Rise of the Damned Money Sucking DVD Box Sets!!!!
What a load of crap!! Why don't they just wait till the stars get elected Governor and stop making movies? THEN they can release a single box set and be done with it! Oh, but how naive of me! By only releasing a set of movies once, they would make less money off us suckers, wouldn't they?
And people wonder why I am so bitter....
I suppose it's true that at some future date Lucas will release will release a box set of all six movies, but let's face it: No one except the really hard core geeks will buy them. You and I both know that this last installment is likely to be as big a piece of crap as Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Normal people like you and I won't want to waste our money on them.
Besides, I can already tell you how the next one will end: Luke & Leia will be born, then separated; The Republic will suffer a series of horrible military setbacks; And Anikin Skywalker will suffer some sort of hideous injury that necessitates wearing elaborate headgear that makes him sound like the spokesperson for Verizon.
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
I continue to be puzzled by the United States....
The authorities were correctly outraged by Janet Jackson's apparent deliberate exposure of her breast. I, too, was outraged. In fact, I kept replaying the tape over and over and over and over to confirm that what I thought my eyes were beholding was in fact happening!!
Yet no one seemed to mind, when a mere two hours later, Richard Hatch was parading his fat naked ass up and down the beach on the latest Survivor series! Is this a double standard, or what?
Quite frankly, I'd rather see Jackson's breast than Hatch's ass any day of the week.
The authorities were correctly outraged by Janet Jackson's apparent deliberate exposure of her breast. I, too, was outraged. In fact, I kept replaying the tape over and over and over and over to confirm that what I thought my eyes were beholding was in fact happening!!
Yet no one seemed to mind, when a mere two hours later, Richard Hatch was parading his fat naked ass up and down the beach on the latest Survivor series! Is this a double standard, or what?
Quite frankly, I'd rather see Jackson's breast than Hatch's ass any day of the week.
Monday, February 02, 2004
So Bush has finally agreed to back an investigation into the intelligence failures that led to the war in Iraq. You realize, of course, that by conceding that there should be such an investigation, he is also admitting that he screwed up.
But the way I see it, it wasn't so much an intelligence failure as much as a complete lack of intelligence.
Right there in the Oval Office.
But the way I see it, it wasn't so much an intelligence failure as much as a complete lack of intelligence.
Right there in the Oval Office.
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Some idiot at an Iranian radio station is claiming I was captured a long time ago.
Oh, puh-leeze!!!! That's absolutely ridiculous!!! Look at this logically, people: If I've been captured, then who's been writing this blog!?!?!
Still, wouldn't it be interesting if, two days before the November elections, Bush wheels me out on a hand truck like some sort of Hannibal Lechter, and says hey, "Lookee what I found!! Now will you vote for me?" Who knows? Maybe I'll even be wearing a straight jacket and leather mask like Anthony Hopkins was!
Just in case, I should practice making that scary slurping sound with my tongue.
Oh, puh-leeze!!!! That's absolutely ridiculous!!! Look at this logically, people: If I've been captured, then who's been writing this blog!?!?!
Still, wouldn't it be interesting if, two days before the November elections, Bush wheels me out on a hand truck like some sort of Hannibal Lechter, and says hey, "Lookee what I found!! Now will you vote for me?" Who knows? Maybe I'll even be wearing a straight jacket and leather mask like Anthony Hopkins was!
Just in case, I should practice making that scary slurping sound with my tongue.
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