When we live off the land, we REALLY live off the land. We eat rocks and sticks. If we're lucky enough to have water, we'll fix ourselves a heapin' pile of mud. And during the winter winter months, fried snow. That's always a treat. For meat, we hunt jackals, which is never easy. Typically, we have to feed them kidnapped journalists till they fall asleep. Then we sneak up on them and hit them in the head with a small boulder. See, that's the tricky part. If you don't kill them with that first blow, they wake up really pissed and rip you to shreds. Could Rudolph have done that? Huh? I doubt it.
What is an "acorn," anyway? Are they vicious?
And we don't have the luxury of picking through dumpsters for discarded three day old food that has already been regurgitated multiple times by various rodents.
There is one thing that bothers me (Besides the constant threat of being blown to bits by Hellfire missiles, I mean)..... When WE blow up stuff and kill innocent people in the name of Allah, we get branded as Islamic terrorists. So how come when Rudolph does the same thing, no one calls him a Christian terrorist? Smells like discrimination to me.
I'm tempted to call the ACLU.