Interesting article in the Washington Post (Yes, I subscribe. And though I move every day, the paper boy is always able to find me, even if the Great Satan's special forces troops with their night vision goggles can't) about how Saddam has lost credibility among most average Arabs. Basically, they feel he is a spineless weasel who sold out his Islamic principles a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
But I digress.
I find this article--even if it does appear in an unholy zionist controlled evil mouthpiece of the US government--to be a vindication of what I have been saying for years: Saddam only invokes Allah's name when it suits his needs. He is much more interested in the gain of power simply for the sake of power. He gets off on it. It's a Freudian thing with him. Having all those weapons of mass destruction is merely compensation for his extraordinarily small penis (Um, I mean I've HEARD that it's small; It's not like I have any first hand experience with it).
And while I, too, crave power and horrible weapons, I desire them not for myself but for totally unselfish reasons: The wholesale slaughter of helpless, unarmed, innocent infidels, and the spreading of Allah's words. What could be more noble than that?
Plus, I enjoy blowing stuff up, but that's merely a fringe benefit.
The article goes on to quote Marwan Shukir, a shoe store owner in Jordan, as saying that I, not Saddam, am the one standing up to the imperialist forces of the west. Mr. Shukir's comments warm the cockles of my heart, or at least I think they do, since I have no idea what cockles are.
If it ever becomes possible for me to again show my face in public, I shall journey to Jordan and buy a new pair of shoes from this wise, insightful man.
Something comfortable, like maybe loafers.