Saturday, April 26, 2003

Events in Iraq are certainly taking an interesting turn. The Shiites, eternally grateful to the United States for liberating them, want the infidels out as of yesterday. They must have learned how to show gratitude by studying French history.
Then, joyously free of Saddam's oppressive rule, they want to set up a an oppressive theocracy along the lines of what Iran has. Oh, how I LOVE the smell of irony in the morning!!!! Pungent, yet tangy, with just a hint of sweetness!!
And then we have Mr. Rumsfeld declaring that the Iraqi people will be free to choose whatever form of government they want. Well, suppose they want a theocracy run by Mullahs with eighth grade educations? "Oh, well, any form of government EXCEPT that!" I appreciate that, sir. I can always use new recruits.
When will the United States figure out that when they meddle in the affairs of the Middle East, they are not dealing with rational people?
Anyway, I can hardly wait for the Shiites to take over and impose their rule based on a strict, literal interpretation of the Koran.... Kind of like what Jerry Falwell wants to do with the bible in America.
And once the new Iraqi government is in place, maybe I'll have a place to live again. Granted, I'm a Sunni, and we don't usually get along with the Shiites. But during a Jihad, it is important for us to put aside our ancient differences and fight as one people against our common enemy, the United States of Satan. Together, we can slaughter millions of innocent unarmed (the innocent unarmed ones are always much easier to slaughter) women and children. Then, once we are victorious and have established the United States of Allah, we Sunnis and Shiites can turn to the more mundane task of slaughtering each other.