To paraphrase The Lion King: Ah, the circle of death!!
And at the root of it all is yours truly, who probably would have been caught by now if a certain infidel President hadn't gone off half-cocked in a madcap pursuit of WMD's! And you have to wonder why he didn't have the good sense to plant some Anthrax or botulism around the country. Then Daniel Kay could have found something! After all, if the LAPD was able to plant that bloody glove at O.J.'s house, why couldn't the CIA do the same? But Allah works in mysterious ways, so I'll just savor the joy of it all.
Our constant use of car bombs against the Iraqi people is also paying off. Police officers are afraid to go to work, and this in turn is leading to a total breakdown of law and order throughout Iraq. Anarchy is a wonderful thing, for it gives us an opening to step in and rstore order after the Americans leave. By then people will grateful to have some rule of law once again imposed upon them, even if it is brutally harsh Islamic law.
True, in the meantime a lot of innocent people will die. But it's for a good cause, so I what do I care?
It's like the old saying: All's fair in love and jihad!