Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Binny convinced me to get up early to watch "Joe Millionaire." What an absolute waste of time!!! I could have been out there moving my "non-existent" stockpiles of Anthrax around to further confuse the UN inspectors, but instead I'm stuck in this garrishly ornate marble palace with the solid gold toilet seats (Yeah, they are kind of cold) watching this garbage!?!
He claims he watches American television so that he may better understand his enemy, but I don't know.... Sounds like an excuse to me. You can't trust these religious zealots, you know. They always have something to hide.
I remember about a year ago I walked into Binny's tent unannounced. He was watching a Britney Spears concert on HBO and had his robes pulled up around his waist... If you know what I mean....