Saturday, February 01, 2003

I almost feel sorry for Richard Reid. He had a golden opportunity to do something meaningful with his life: Light your shoes on fire and blow up the plane!! And it was all for such a good cause, too!! How complicated is that? Not very, but still he managed to botch the mission!! Even worse, he got himself captured. What a bonehead......
If he had accomplished his assigned task, Reid would have been rewarded with the full complement of 72 virgins upon his arrival in paradise. If he had failed to bring down the plane but still gotten himself killed during the attempt, he still would gotten maybe 50 or 60 virgins in the deal.
But instead he allowed himself to get captured. Allah tends to frown upon incompetent warriors during a Jihad. But even when Reid went to trial, all was not completely lost. If he had at least gotten himself a death sentence, it would have been good for something. Maybe a dozen virgins or so.
But instead Reid got himself life. That means he'll eventually die in prison of natural causes. There's no glory in that, and no reward. The closest he'll come to a virgin now is "Big Bubba" asking him to pick up the soap.
His best hope at this point is a shank in the gut while pulling laundry duty. Even if Reid still doesn't rate an actual virgin, maybe Allah will reward him with someone like Trista, from The Bachelorette.
Hey, it beats getting stuck with Big Bubba.