I am somewhat confused by Musharaff's decision to share nuclear technology with certain other countries. Libya and Iran I understand. After all, they are Muslim. But North Korea?!?!? Why them and not us? North Korea is populated by godless athiests! That makes them even worse than your standard, run-of-the-mill infidels. After all, it's one thing to believe in the WRONG god; it's quite another to believe in NO god whatsoever.
That's what really gets me: That he didn't help Al Qaeda build a bomb! I mean, we're certainly devout, faithful, religious people who are deserving of technology which can kill infidels by the tens of thousands!
I can only conclude that the reason Musharaff didn't share that information with us is that he's pissed about our ongoing efforts to kill him.
Some people can be so petty....